Painting, Political / Social, Portrait, Symbol / Letter, Mixed technique, 60x42x1cm
I was doing net-surfing yesterday, when I suddenly discovered the images of a tibetan monk on fire. I read different articles and I was shocked. A lot of Tibetans Immolate themselves as protest to let Tibet as free country. How, how can that happen? So I thought I have to do something, I have to contribute, even now, even the notice it's old. Tibet still under the power of china and it's not fare.
china don't deserve the C as a proper name of a country. china don't deserve to be a republic or state as america or many country in this corrupted human been planet, everybody in the human history put a finger in each-other ass for ages until now, massacres, genocides, violence still a routine. Don't forget it, stupid human been addicted and from what the Pop art developed and fart, the consumerism.
Violence is our Virtue.

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