La tolleranza dell piacere

La tolleranza dell piacere

Painting, Still life, Oil, 100x80x2cm
`Here's a test : don't eat for a whole day. Nothing! Just water. In the evening cook yourself a plate of pasta and have it simple, with a little salt and maybe olive oil. Then all I'm about to say will make organic sense

Out of all life's pleasures eating is most frequent and dull. But surely a stable and important influence over the state of mind. I want to use it to shed a little light on our basic input output system .Our BIOS.
As all mammalian and most known life , man is born to meet pain . It is the impulse to live, the reason for bone, muscle and brain to take life serious. We enter life crying our lungs out, desperately asking warmth and food. Our first moments are of cold and violence.
But pain is not the only master. It's born along a twin sister to whom she is tied forever. They are like the + and - which create zero.
If pain is life's impulse, Pleasure is its purpose.
All that has interest in our eyes holds the promise of pleasure. White chocolate strawberries , the latest sport BMW, elevator sex, crimson roses, Chanel n.5, a good Pollock, a goal by Zidan, children who grow and smarten up ...the list would go on... all have pleasure as its core. Even now, while you are reading these lines, you're seeking something interesting to get some kind of pleasure out of it.
All we do , we do for pleasure

The eternal addiction.
In neurology Pleasure equals Dopamine and with a little effort we find ourselves, scientifically speaking, drug addicts. Dopamine addicts.
Disregarding nationality, age, sex, religious believes , we all have that deep inner drive in all our actions. No mater what education, personality, body or social status we poses, we build our lives , with simple or complex architectures , around the addiction.
Like all addiction it has a nasty surprise
Tolerance to a drug is easy guess: the brain getting used to it and wanting more of the stuff for the same effect.
A little bit more every day. A glass of wine today, two tomorrow, three the day after tomorrow , and so on.
This is where things get slippery. This is where everybody hold its own balance. We are all equal on this one.
The way we plan our drug is critical.

Has been liked by 4

Comments 5

Alessandra Pagliuca
11 years ago
Wow, bravissimo!
Lena Lafaki
12 years ago
Lena Lafaki Artist
insanely beautiful!!!
Gianfranco ferlazzo
12 years ago
Wow,great! Good luck Vlad:)))
Stefania Rinaldi
12 years ago
very beautiful!
Lelya Borisenko
12 years ago
Grate work! I wish you success!

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