'TOTEM' is a project originated by six sculpture-masks and becomes a dance performance. A pilgrimage in the underworlds and the paradises of the own psychic world. Totem sculptures are 'portraits' of human archetypes, human heads of clay describing men as being inhabited by an ancestral consciousness. The Totems propitiate the fate of men through the course of events, the passage of time. The small animal head surmounting the 'mask' repreents the human heritage specific to each individual, origin of instinctual drives, which is revealed between the folds of the conscious personality.

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Comments 6

luigi iacono
11 years ago
luigi iacono Artist
Fantastica istallazione.
Michele Ormas
11 years ago
Michele Ormas Artist
Video di progetto Totem:
Michele Ormas
11 years ago
Michele Ormas Artist
Corrado Lippi
12 years ago
Corrado Lippi Artist
Michele Ormas
12 years ago
Michele Ormas Artist
'TOTEM' is a project originated by six sculpture-masks and becomes a dance performance. A pilgrimage in the underworlds and the paradises of the own psychic world. Totem sculptures are 'portraits' of human archetypes, human heads of clay describing men as being inhabited by an ancestral consciousness. The Totems propitiate the fate of men through the course of events, the passage of time. The small animal head surmounting the 'mask' represents the human heritage specific to each individual, origin of instinctual drives, which is revealed between the folds of the conscious personality.
Michele Ormas
12 years ago
Michele Ormas Artist

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