Remembering to forget

Remembering to forget

Installation, Still life, 80x170x10cm
For several months I have been gathering memories from eBay. Collecting is a way of validating things. It is a repetitive ritual that could be characterized as obsessive. It is often associated with time, a kind of archaeology that reveals memories and nostalgia. I was intrigued to see the content and I started checking the folders. There are pictures, videos, texts, playlists with music and other personal documents. Even though we are very used to peeping at private things that we are not supposed to see, for example with the use of social networks like facebook, I felt that I should not be watching this, especially after watching an odd video. It is quite possible that many of these memory cards were lost or stolen.
‘Remembering to forget’ is a collection of 300 used memory cards, stored in a cabinet that resembles to museum collections. It is a public work consisting of tiny gadgets that contain in their virtual space personal histories. The cabinet remains locked to protect the privacy of those memories. 

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