scèna n.7
The scene is a place of recruitment. The call of the body. The space of confinement of matter / body. It lies on the bottom of the canvas and the bottom is a matter that is formed and expands. Enactment of an expression that becomes the body. It has a body. Body that extends into the space, which is planted in the eyes of the beholder. It is urgent. The urgency of the body that manifests what is, beyond the barrier of static over the empty space planted in the bottom of the canvas anonymous. The body, this goes back to being carnal presence, strength, made ​​the offer, pending, the eye of the beholder. But what is happening and what matters above all, takes place outside, in another place that is out of the scene. A place of fragments of the image, an image that only has a bridge, that body / matter of emotion that connects to real life.
Alessandro Morino
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