The !% - Via Labicana

The !% - Via Labicana

"And every time again and again
I make my lament against destruction."
E. Evtusenko

People from all the world, women and men of the year, set 15 October as appointment for a huge demonstration: it's the biggest global self organized manifestation ever: it's the rise up of the 99%.

In Europe people demonstrate against the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the economic policies of national governments.

Only in Rome, in a square surrounded by old church and cultural heritage, the manifestation suddenly turned up into a urban guerrilla, with baton charges, the usage of hundreds of tear gas and CS gas (forbidden by International convention), police van burned, almost 80 people wounded, more than 20 arrested and several milion euro damages.

After that, all the media and the parties in Italy start a smear campaign to recognaise people involved in the manifestation.

Maybe not interrelated, but after only 3 weeks Silvio Berlusconi gave volountary resignation.

- Shortlisted for the 32nd Annual Spring Photography Contest;
- PX3, Prix de la Photographie Paris 2012, Press Political, 3rd Place;
- PX3, Prix de la Photographie Paris 2012, Press General News, Honorable Mention;
- Shortlisted for Foto8 Summershow 2012;
- Best of Photography 2012 book, published by Serbin Communications;
- 2012 Annual Px3 Book;
- PDN photo of the day, 16 July 2012;
- The Sunday Times Magazine, July 2012;
- Foto8 Summershow 2012 catalogue;
- INPHA 1, the first annual International publication of contemporary Photography and lens-based Art, 2012;
- FotoVisura Magazine, Your view selected portfolio, “The !%”, February 2012;

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Comments 1

Paolo Castellani
12 years ago
Paolo Castellani Architect
Beh che dire, molto bella complimenti!!

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