tell me again, where am i when this is not the place where i want to be

'tell me again, where am i when this is not the place where i want to be' is the last video in a row which features music of the 'städtische philharmonie sankt isengrim' or 'sankt isengrim philharmonic' in english, an citivity of the international artists group 'arbeitsgemeinschaft für zeitgemässen blickfang' or 'afzb' in short. these videos are collective works, based on photos by french visual artist fred forestier and german photographer maren schram. visual artist j.l. knopf from germany reworked the photos and constructed the result to a video. the accompanying music is either played live when the musicians watch the video or the music already exists and is chosen for a particular video. although there's no overall theme the videos are mainly about 'displacement' as the title suggests. the early versions concentrated on human relations, expressed in the addition '... the farmer's wife asked her daughter' or '... said the famer's wife to her daughter'. farmer's wife and daughter were chosen as a kind of archetypes that symbolizes the relations of people with their environment. the addition was dropped however as it makes the title quite long. in the end, the story that's being told will be different for each one who watches the video: plenty of room for interpretation. the length of the video differes with the length of the improvisations which the musical members of afzb play. these seem to have a 'natural lengthj' of about 20 minutes.

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Comments 4

Suzan a1qq Hijab
8 years ago
darum ich habe mich gerade zurückgezogen- ich komme wieder wenn es ruhiger wird.
schöne Titel -
12 years ago
rupat Artist
Veramente originale
Maria Cristina  Neviani
12 years ago
Molto originale, bravi...
12 years ago
Siete forti e pieni di energia creativa. Ciao.

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