Prima Materia 1

Prima Materia 1

The inspiration for my work comes from a long time fascination with myth, dream and the mystery of being. For long I have enjoyed the creative process and photography’s power and capacity for self expression. I use photography to create imagery that is symbolic in nature and which serves as a visual narrative reflective of the relationship between the material gross world and the ephemeral, mythical and spiritual world beyond.

I am interested in exploring ways in which these opposite realms communicate with one another and their relevance and impact on individuals, society and the natural environment. I enjoy the adventure of seeking and encountering analogous images in the world I live in that resonate with my imagination, fantasies and things I find fascinating relating to these field of the Self which I find so enchanting.

Has been liked by 12

Comments 2

Vince Lovecchio
12 years ago
Thanks Corrado, I find your work very moving.
Corrado Lippi
12 years ago
Corrado Lippi Artist
Opera molto bella. complimenti e grazie dell'amicizia.

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