Steps and Stairs and Ladders to Climb, Slipping and Sliding with not much Time

Steps and Stairs and Ladders to Climb, Slipping and Sliding with not much Time

Joanne Proctor, Steps and Stairs and Ladders to Climb, Slipping and Sliding with not much Time, Hand-Stitched Human Hair (Artist's Own) on Canvas, 40 x 100 cm, Dec 2010 (Detail)

A highly labour intensive process, intricately hand-stitched with strand’s of my own hair. I collected the strands over a period of time, reusing and preserving fragments of myself/DNA which fell way naturally as I washed and brushed my hair. The use of my Hair within this work refers to growth, decay and renewal, whilst the Spine is a symbol of Balance and Strength.

The title of this piece refers to words within a poem I wrote, where Time, Change and Mortality are of significance.

Has been liked by 22

Comments 3

Romina Gabarrini
11 years ago
Waldemar Dabrowski
12 years ago
Very good...!
Corrado Lippi
12 years ago
Corrado Lippi Artist
Molto interessante. In bocca al lupo e grazie dell'amicizia.

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