

Another point of view is an open project of photos and compositions inspired by quantum physics. In the realm of quantum physics, observing something actually influences the physical process that is taking place. Amazed by this information I compared it to photography, that is a process where photographer chooses and selects portions of reality and represents it through his language. What we see in a photo is of course an interpretation. But it is not simply the photographer who affects a representation of the real, everyone watching his own reality is effecting on it at the same time. I am collecting a number of photos where I purposely change my point of view shooting from above. I try to reproduce the point of view of a scientist, I imagine to watch people living their everyday life seeing through the lens of a microscope, distributed as electrons in an experiment. I attempt to be like quantum physicists trying to live the paradox of objectively observing life, knowing that I am affecting it at the same time. 
I want to make openly evident how much we are used to observe everyday life from a customary point of view, which surely is personal, but it's such a habit that we often forget what we are doing. At the end we shall realise that not only our ideas about existence, but even our forgetfulness about the process of watching, could influence and determine its outcome. 

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Comments 20

Eleonora Pecorella
10 years ago
Eleonora Pecorella Artist, Photographer
many thanks
Paula Kajzar
10 years ago
Paula Kajzar Photographer
Greate debtics
Libra Larki
11 years ago
Libra Larki Artist
very nice artworks!!!
Enrico Cattaneo
11 years ago
..mooolto interessante!!!! complimenti!
Maristella  Angeli
12 years ago
Maristella Angeli Artist, Painter
Molto interessante!
Eleonora Pecorella
12 years ago
Eleonora Pecorella Artist, Photographer
Adrian I'm not sure I get exactly your point anyway I try to reply. What I feel it's that my mind comes after because I can know that there is a process that is going on butI cannot understand it but the moment it's ended up. In a way it's like history, where even the best historian can't get its processes till he has a distance of time to look at it
so I feel like we have to entrust a sort of feeling about the process till our mind arrives with its tools to come up with a logical explanation
...and also I may assume that something is real, even a process, in the very moment I start tinkling about it... but I think this is another question!
many thanks for your appreciation to my project ;)
12 years ago
Adi Artist
good point...I also carry out investigations into this matter. At first I thought that I had an influence on the outcome but later it was more evident that I had no influence at all because what I at first thought was me looking happens to be only a looking without a person who does it. We only have this very moment in which to see what is really going on...the rest remains hypothetical. I like your perspective though ...very contemporary.
Eleonora Pecorella
12 years ago
Eleonora Pecorella Artist, Photographer
grazie :))
Carlo D'Orta
12 years ago
Carlo D'Orta Artist
Brava Eleonora, molto bello il tuo progetto
Joanne Proctor
12 years ago
Congratulations on being shortlisted for MINE!!!
Best wishes,
Joanne :-)

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