Ogni mattina, nell'incertezza e con il sole già alto,scelgo di rinascere, Donna

Ogni mattina, nell'incertezza e con il sole già alto,scelgo di rinascere, Donna

Installation, Political / Social, Various materials, 90x120x3cm
Every morning, in deep uncertainty and with the sun already high in the sky, I choose to come back to life ¬– a Woman.

Woman –
a creature
I care so much for,
so precious,
I see every day
abused in a thousand different ways,
often with feminine permission.
Woman –
unfathomable essence,
a thousand boxes to open and disclose.
Woman –
the one I care for,
the one I love more, is the one who does not yet exist
not as one person.
For the moment she’s only
a composition of
the sweetest contradictions and
neverending uncertainties.
Woman –
the one I care for
the one including everything:
the good Man
and the Universe.

Cuban cigar boxes, given to me by a friend, become the place of my femininity, of my memories as a woman and, before this, as a girl who grew up in a family of women.
Different boxes, containing poetry, little objects discarded by people that here regain new dignity, gracefulness and value.

Being a Woman, nowadays, in Italy, is a difficult choice I renew every day, in the privacy of my room.

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Comments 9

Barbara Pece
10 years ago
Barbara Pece Artist
Grazie Loredana!
Loredana Sansavini
10 years ago
Loredana Sansavini Photographer
Barbara Pece
10 years ago
Barbara Pece Artist
Thanks you Paul, make me very happy!
Paul Brotherton
10 years ago
Paul Brotherton Designer, Painter
Interesting and original text & visual composition.....
fascinating theme, nice work!
La Dama del Lago (l'ho uccisa)
10 years ago
Molto interessante!
Mi piace!
Barbara Pece
11 years ago
Barbara Pece Artist
Grazie Gisella, un bellissimo commentofatta da un'artista competente!
Gisella Pasquali
11 years ago
Complimenti, sono tutte opere bellissime, frutto di vera arte!
danilo tresanini
11 years ago
11 years ago

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