What Mother Sees, England, Oct 2011

What Mother Sees, England, Oct 2011

A look at my family: my mother in the sitting room at their home and a text one of the typical communications we have had recently:
Hello Darling, yes it went really well we think. Did Dad say that at least to make up for it I was so lucky to have a room be on the 12th floor overlooking the Thames and the House of Parliament. I asked the nurses to pull the curtains at half past four so I could see it all . Superb … amazing... it made me think of what Wordsworth wrote about the view from Westminster Bridge "Earth hath not anything to show more fair , dull would he be of soul who could pass by a sight so touching in it's majesty", though Wordsworth would only have seen the smaller buildings and churches then from Westminster Bridge. I can see but it's misty and not much good for reading. It's different from before as it's an oil bubble they put in this time and they'll leave it in for as longs as it needs. still the surgeon seems pleased with it so far. I'm not worrying about it because there's nothing I can do about it.
Love you lots

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