"The Path~"

"The Path~"

Painting, Abstract informal, Acrylic, 40x50cm
Our Path in Life is to Walk~~~ As the Moment of the Truth is Creating as We Are Born to Go through a Life to Truly Understand what Life is All About~~~ Journey Goes~ Some Paths Are Seemingly the Same~ Repeating Moment but the Path is So Unique as the Path is Go Through to Truly Understand What Life Within Everything as ONE~ No Matter~ How Life Seems~~~ It is All Uniquely Beautiful~ As We are Born to Learn and Absolve in the True~ Truth Each Moment are in ONE PURE Love~ Each Walk~ Helps Us to Understand Deeply an it is the Beauty~ Even We Mistake the Life as Life Or Not~ For the Beautiful Journey of OURS~~~ "The Path Was Born to Share the JOY~ While We All Journeying as ONE~ ONE Purity Love as ONE~ ^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^

Oceanic Love as ONE~

Has been liked by 3

Comments 1

Experience of life with  Emily Eunjue Hayes
12 years ago
Once Again ~ Thank YOU For YOUR Kind Comment that are the Heart, Dear Ester Q~ Thank YOU Truly~

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