Video, Political / Social, Short film, 9:48
"""In the contemporary art scene emerging in recent years, new art forms related to the issues of biotech. Creative research stands now at a new and challenging situation, even considering the fact that the very concept of "art" has, recently, purchased a considerable dilatation, also with the emergence of new forms of expression. Art focused on transit, on the mutation, on becoming, Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction recombinant genetic art as philosophy of the movement: these and other new concepts are communicated to us by contemporary artistic expressions. ETHICAL FUNCTION OF ART "The relationship with the new and unsettling redefinition of the field of biological life once again the problem of the ethical function of art and a comparison with new hypotheses of change of reality.
One of the primary roles of art is to represent and help to define the natural and cultural identity of their time. Today, that identity is constantly growing and rapidly transformed by techno-scientific research. The epistemological and ethical aspects of the relationship between research and techno-scientific society are thus become the subject of increasing attention by contemporary artists.
In this complex multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary landscape, contemporary art is placed between the complex apparatus of techno-scientific research and society. "Art is the opportunity to highlight the taboos, the unspeakable, the unprovable, it is the metaphor most powerful man in an artificial world made of information flows, is a proliferation of energy in the infinite freedom of the imagination, is like a battlefield where there is a radical form of creation, has the task of exposing the problems and generate awareness. That contemporary art scene is described as our contemporary "art above all of contamination, no longer closed and" secure "in separate locations, an art that began to spread outside of the specialized channels, which creates places, directions, warps that has the ability to construct mental screens on which to project their wishes and neorganismi transformations, new cognitive situations, new extensions of the body, a dimension of art, the more alive, more extreme, the one that has taken a concept revolutionized what is meant by mutation of the bodies, bodies such as rebellion, new categories of human, transhuman, posthuman. So far science has not made major changes in our physical nature, although its effects have significantly altered some of the cultural behaviors established during the evolution of man, such as gender roles. Perhaps in the coming decades, questions relative to the body, mind, ego, become meaningless. New technologies, genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, cybernetics and virtual reality, are rapidly redefining the terms of the physical experience.
Contamination and mutation, these "places" that track changes in the new art, an art that blends into the skin and the mechanisms that trigger the transformation tools, language, body, period. "The scene of 'contemporary art presents us with a revolutionized concept of man and of his relationships, is a scene in which permanently changed the theoretical horizons of the new relations of human and nonhuman are interwoven with new artistic experiments. The idea of the first major mutations and aware of the human body come to us from the sixties, when hippies nudes they tested the first sexual revolution and the astronauts in their space walk weightless sanctioned the beginning of a new era of the human condition and unlimited possibilities. Also from the late sixties we receive, in addition to the certification body by the hippies, Body Art and also the first phenomena of replication of identity, the first followers of rock idols and omens of future "mental", of altered psychologies of possible worlds provided in the works of Burroughs, Ballard, and Dick, outlining a new human figure that includes the tools tecnocomunicativi. The Vanguards, with the actions of Dadaism and Surrealism, had made the mixture of different artistic languages, with the body art such bonds are strengthened and melt and the artist himself becomes a work of art, the body becomes absolute language, moldable material . If the body art was a practice of personal involvement, and physical body, the body that emerges from the eighties and nineties still carries with it the flesh and blood, but mixed with the alterations produced by nuclear waste, micro-technologies, AIDS, genetic engineering , media saturation, sexual alienation, population growth. The body becomes the border area of identity, hybridization between the self and other, between cultures and between the real and the virtual: the new era begins with a cancellation and alteration of the boundaries between inside and outside .

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Comments 3

11 years ago
MAVIS Artist
Mi inchino a tanta forza,,,,opera meravigliosa.
12 years ago
thank you Miroslaw
12 years ago
Vivalarte Artist
Profound message. A must for all artist and humanity

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