The Gate I
My entire work is related to the need of defining the origin and the causes for humans to have knowledge, which maybe defined as the capacity of describing analytically or logically the mechanisms that operate the natural phenomena so to be able to use these parameters to configure any artificial system through a model theory. By using time through its anthropological and evolutionary scale, I have come to the conclusion that knowledge is a combination of a few factors put together, namely: space and its embedded features, human evolutionary biology, tool making and art. The work presented, as “The Gate 1” and “Underground”, are artistic exercises that explore the mechanisms of generating the empty space. This empty space where all the existential entities are embedded is yet to be defined in terms of its origin. The space that forms the universe is a scaled empty void inside a no-space entity with dimensions reaching the infinite. My conclusion comes from observing the nature itself where any existential entity is constantly embedded into a space formed by a no-space entity. We take as example, a small stone inside a bottle. The bottle configures the empty space through its no-space elements, its physical walls. Now if we do accept for the sake of the argument that these walls extend themselves to the infinity in all directions, we may start to understand how the empty space came about.
In these two works, my intention was to simulate the creation of empty space by manipulating electronic grids.
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