Frühling in Rom - Primavera a Roma
When spring bursts forth in Rome, the city is a mixture of colours and scents, men and women bringing the city to life with their more colourful, lighter clothes stirred by the breeze. Flowers bloom and their fresh scents herald the annual rebirth of nature in Rome, readily seen in the city's many parks. Warm colours prevail because life is colour... is life... is colour... is life...
The form of the motif recalls the shape of the Roman capital district on the map of Italy. Here we feel the absolute synthesis that is the city within its boundaries, which are nonetheless blurred, since Rome as a seat of government and as a base for many institutions spreads its influence over a much broader area.
At times it is hard to believe this monumental city can be capable of delicacy but those who are more sensitive can see precisely these emotions in springtime Rome.
(text: Katrin Walter; translation: Anna Ambrosini, Roma,
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