Incontro al destino

Incontro al destino

Painting, Human figure, Acrylic, 50x70cm
The 'work presented examines the theme of "Shoah", an argument often used in my work. Here is represented a division of Italian military completely exterminated by the Germans. The title, as is well understood, alluding to the fate they face the military in the remainder of their journey. He wants to be a living this complaint so that these terrible events are not forgotten by the community and especially wants to be a complaint to the evil of the world to hope that one day rifles and cannons can shoot flowers only. So is a complaint to put before the eyes of all that which should never happen. The 'use of white and black wants to retrieve some old photos from' other create more pathos in the viewer of 'work.

Has been liked by 5

Comments 5

Nicholas  Tolosa
10 years ago
Grazie Anthony
Anthony Catania
10 years ago
Commovente, bello
Nicholas  Tolosa
10 years ago
albertina Lodi
12 years ago
Hai "parlato" con un'immagine, bravo!
Anna Gatto
12 years ago
Anna Gatto Artist
Bellissima l'opera e altrettanto il messaggio che vuoi trasmettere

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