into the loop

into the loop

Installation, Minimal, Political / Social, Video installation, 600x400x600cm
cathartic and childish, ironic and disturbing, the carousel is the symbol of the fair. a post-modern carousel, material and immaterial. steel circular tubulars hold up a sheet where the surreal characters of the carousel are projected:
contemporary tarots showing and exorcising the taboo. the taboo is the limit that allows the society to be like that. anyway, only who is ready to overcome this limit, entering in the carousel, could trigger the mechanism of exorcism and contamination. but be careful. not take it too serious. a toy awaits you in the center of the carousel and if you bow in front of it the carousel will rotate too fast becoming grotesque.

the toy is made with a IcubeX reachclose MIDI sensor, connecting the proximity of the audience to the speed of the video through VVVV.

project: mariano leotta, alessandra senso odoni
illustrations & graphic design: alessandra senso odoni
motion design: dario lazzaretto
multimedia design (vvvv): mariano leotta
music: davide fasulo

residency exhibition
italia creativa GAI, salerno (italy)
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