White Glove

White Glove

Installation, Minimal, Various materials, 23x45x56cm
The work consists of an installation in a gallery space where you need a sheet of acrylic five meters wide and two meters high with forty holes six inches in diameter in four rows of ten of the bottom half up. In which each will set a gent white vinyl variable dimensions, stretching from the front of the plate covering the greatest distance from the room where the piece is mounted.
Creating a kind of piece where the audience interacted with it. Based on the decisions of exceeding the limit in a much-discussed phenomenon such as white-collar theft in the world.
Technical needs.
1 - An acrylic plate of five meters wide and two meters high and four inches thick. Another plate of two square meters of 5 mm.
2 - Ways to Give you the forty holes (drill bits, jigsaw, sandpaper and polishing material).
3 - Four chrome screws six inches long.
4 - Cardboard for templates gloves.
5 - The white vinyl depend along the glove according to the room or space where the workpiece is mounted.
6 - talabartera machine for carrying out the gloves yarn cones.

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