

In a futuristic era, in the aftermath of a planetary catastrophe, humankind is almost extinct. A few surviving scientists, in an attempt to recover even merely the energies that once belonged to humanity, collect some body parts from among the debris of a destroyed world and assemble them on workbenches in the hopes of rediscovering the secret of the human spirit.

These reassembled beings are powered by electronic microchips that project in front of them a pseudo-reality, which has no perspective but can at least recapture some of the meaning and symbolism of a world that has ended in self-destruction. each anatomic unit therefore becomes simulacrum of the traditions, vices, pleasures and pain that were once bittersweet characteristics of humanity.

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Comments 4

alessandro reale
12 years ago
Domenico Aquilino
12 years ago
Un lavoro bello e coinvolgente, con una tematica fantasy veramente interessante. Le foto le ho guardate tutte e mi sono divertito, anche perché c'è una grande ricercatezza nei particolari. Bravo Claudio
12 years ago
libero Artist
claudia romiti
12 years ago
Ciao Claudio!
Il tuo lavoro è sempre sorprendente!
Claudia..... ti ricordi me?

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