23 years in 2 minutes and 30 seconds

Video, Political / Social, Short film, 2:30
Basically we have forgotten announcer who worked on the national television in the past.I used materials from site "youtube",covered is the period from 1980 by 2003 Since Tito's death to Djindjic assassination.The period of great suffering which has made television propaganda.Comments out of context and informationon national television, I cut short sentences that are marking events in this period.The words are repeating over and over,and on Goebbels way they create the news.The metaphor failure vinyl record and rotation announcer in a circle with a mixture of sound,speaking clearly about the idea.

Sentences that are repeated in sequences:

RTS news 04.5.1980.(Comrade TITO died).
RTS news 23.1.1990.(Union Communists of Yugoslavia in modern party)Beginning of the disintegration former Yugoslavia.
RTS news 16.2.1991.(Profascists and proustashas)The war in Croatia.
RTS news 24.3.1999.(Aggressor was with three missiles)NATO Bombing of Serbia.
BK news 5.10.2000.(Serbian democratic opposition protests)The end of regime Slobodan Milosevic.
RTS news 12.3.2003.(Antentat on the Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic).

Thousand Origami Cranes has become a symbol of world peace through the story of Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese girl who tried to stave off her death from leukemia as a result of radiation from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War II by making one thousand origami cranes.
Unfortunately,video work "Origami" maybe predicted the tragic events in Japan!

Has been liked by 4

Comments 3

Dejan Aksentijevic
12 years ago
Thanks to all.
Marijana Popovic
12 years ago
Very interesting sociological approach to political phenomena in the former Yugoslavia .. If you sum up 23 years in this video we will have an insight into one surreal development of the destruction of ideological values ​​that are too long stifled the development of a small country in the Balkans. Bravo!
12 years ago
Cat Photographer
Intéressant !

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