Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong

Painting, Game / Fun, Oil, 30x30x5cm
We had the first contact with the bitmap concept in our first youthfulness, when we played with the first videogames on old consoles.
Image resolution of these first game machines didn't allow a fine design, and designers had to adapt games' design to softwares and hardwares existing.
That kind of design, with minimal resolution, has characterized these first videogames (Supermario, Space Invaders), and it's part of the memory of that generation.
Now designers sometimes repropose that "80's pixel effect" in marketing images, but our multimedia world, with the higher technological level reached, normally hides bitmap.
Bitmap is the real origin of virtual image. All of us know how to use digital photo and video cameras, with high resolution up to millions of pixels, and we never think about the atom of this technology: the bitmap.
I propose the poetics of painting bitmap. I want to celebrate the beauty of this image's atom. I want to celebrate the formal and chromatic uniqueness of bitmap.
Technology of course works to get better solutions to hide bitmap.
I want to proceed in the opposite direction.
I look for the bitmap, I find it, I study it, and I celebrate it.

Luciano Fabale
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