Winners of the 6th edition Visible White Photo Prize 2017
chosen by Laura Serani on 27th May
New manias collide nations and peoples in ever more forceful social and political conflictualities, with unforseen effects on personal and public behaviour
Open call for single photos and projects, 5,000 € prizes.
Curated by Laura Serani, juried by Selva Barni, Andrés Duprat, Brigitte Lardinois, Elisa Medde, Moritz Neumüller and Azu Nwagbogu.
In Conflict
Conflicts, whether economic, political or religious, conflicts for power, land, water, oil, are evermore widespread and frequent, and are setting entire populations adrift with consequences and repercussions that are now evident in the ‘rich and stable’ countries of the world. Conflicts are sometimes presented as a clash of civilizations or wars between believers and unbelievers, in which everyone is entrenched behind fears, habits or mutual ignorance.All the above cause instability and crises which find their particular form of expression according to the area of the world: wars continue to spread and increasingly overwhelm larger territories in the Middle East, coups and outbreaks of violence are frequent in Africa, in the United States we have witnessed the fiercest presidential campaign in the nation’s history, and fortress-Europe ‘under siege’, shaken by its internal problems appears to be faltering. Certainties built up over time are falling short, opening fissures which weaken habitual thought systems. However, they also present us with an opportunity to open up and observe the world differently. After a period of closure and introspection there are signs of renewed curiosity and attention to all that is outside. Signs of bienveillance and tolerance which represent the first steps towards a coming together, the willingness to start a dialogue in search of solutions which are found in common rather than individually.
By proposing ‘In Conflict’ photographers and artists have the opportunity to reflect on a theme which emphasizes and encourages this ‘return’ to a collective consciousness or a consciousness at the service of communities. In this sense the theme also talks about conflicts which are denied or kept silent, which relate to the family or to personal conflicts that can go beyond the personal sphere that are also questions of society, such as violence against women, societal unease, the individual’s inner conflicts. Another priority for Visible White Photo Prize’s call ‘In Conflict’, is to invite photographers and artists using the photographic medium to explore with the use of original and personal forms of visual language, distant worlds, intimate universes, or to venture further afield into new forms of documentary photography or poetic realism. Or to look for alternatives or complementary ways to those distributed by television or internet’s information processing that have changed the traditional codes of photojournalism.
Artists have always shown us the way, how to witness, take a stand or denounce creatively, inventing new forms of expression, at times very personal, often with the aid of mediums and supports. At a time when general labels are coming unstuck and technology facilitates the hybridization of languages, imagination and vision should be boundless, leaving the road open to photography’s wide variety of languages to query and explore the world. Laura Serani, November 2016.
Visible White is a photography prize founded in 2012 by Celeste Network and Fondazione Studio Marangoni to support international photographers and artists who engage, creatively, with what is moving personal, social and political issues today.Jurors are looking for photographs which
- Deliver new angles of vision and understanding to the chosen theme
- Reflect contemporary ways in which images of people, ideas and places are created
- Show discipline and personal style
- Contain strong reference systems
- Use conceptual or descriptive interpretations to shed new light on the chosen theme
- Push the boundaries of the media
Past editions
2016 - 5th edition, 'SKIN'2015 - 4th edition, 'Familydom'
2014 - 3rd edition, 'You See Me'
2013 - 2nd edition, 'Lapsus'
2012 - 1st edition, 'beyondmemory'
In Conflict exhibition
May - June 2017
Fondazione Studio Marangoni
FSM Gallery, Florence, Italy
Fondazione Studio Marangoni
FSM Gallery, Florence, Italy
Terms & Conditions
In Conflict, Visible White Photo Prize 2017, 6th edition
Update - the deadline to enter is 14th March 2017
Published on 17th November 2016
Art. 1 – Theme, In Conflict
Conflicts, whether economic, political or religious, conflicts for power, land, water, oil, are evermore widespread and frequent, and are setting entire populations adrift with consequences and repercussions that are now evident in the ‘rich and stable’ countries of the world. Conflicts are sometimes presented as a clash of civilizations or wars between believers and unbelievers, in which everyone is entrenched behind fears, habits or mutual ignorance.
All the above cause instability and crises which find their particular form of expression according to the area of the world: wars continue to spread and increasingly overwhelm larger territories in the Middle East, coups and outbreaks of violence are frequent in Africa, in the United States we have witnessed the fiercest presidential campaign in the nation’s history, and fortress-Europe ‘under siege’, shaken by its internal problems appears to be faltering.
Certainties built up over time are falling short, opening fissures which weaken habitual thought systems. However, they also present us with an opportunity to open up and observe the world differently. After a period of closure and introspection there are signs of renewed curiosity and attention to all that is outside. Signs of bienveillance and tolerance which represent the first steps towards a coming together, the willingness to start a dialogue in search of solutions which are found in common rather than individually.
By proposing ‘In Conflict’ photographers and artists have the opportunity to reflect on a theme which emphasizes and encourages this ‘return’ to a collective consciousness or a consciousness at the service of communities. In this sense the theme also talks about conflicts which are denied or kept silent, which relate to the family or to personal conflicts that can go beyond the personal sphere that are also questions of society, such as violence against women, societal unease, the individual’s inner conflicts.
Another priority for Visible White Photo Prize’s call ‘In Conflict’, is to invite photographers and artists using the photographic medium to explore with the use of original and personal forms of visual language, distant worlds, intimate universes, or to venture further afield into new forms of documentary photography or poetic realism. Or to look for alternatives or complementary ways to those distributed by television or internet’s information processing that have changed the traditional codes of photojournalism.
Artists have always shown us the way, how to witness, take a stand or denounce creatively, inventing new forms of expression, at times very personal, often with the aid of mediums and supports. At a time when general labels are coming unstuck and technology facilitates the hybridization of languages, imagination and vision should be boundless, leaving the road open to photography’s wide variety of languages to query and explore the world.
Laura Serani, November 2016
Art. 2 – Single photo and Projects
Single works and Projects can be in digital or analogue photography, or computer graphic modelling, software art, digital manipulations, polaroids, mobile phone photographs or images taken with any other photographic devices, presented in a two-dimensional format. Works should be presented as art photography in any form which could include photographic essays, personal stories in the style of storytelling, fictional narratives, documentary work, photojournalism or set pieces. There are no limits to the size of works submitted. Images submitted online in JPG (at least 2,500 pixels on the longest side) or in PNG (optimised for the web) formats are uploaded in applicants’ personal accounts in Celeste Network. Before publishing your work, you can approve or not viewing in high resolution. It is possible to include up to 10 images of works in a project submitted to In Conflict. Projects with less than 10 images are still valid for the prize and will be considered on a par with other projects for selection and prizes.
Art. 3 – Eligibility
In Conflict is an international open call to all photographers, artists and creatives using photography, regardless of age, sex, experience, occupation or geographic location. It is possible to participate as an individual or as a group. Photographic images must have been taken within the last 10 years, and can have been exhibited before or presented in other prizes.
Art. 4 - Prizes
Total of 5,000 € Prizes*
2,500 € for the Best Project
1,500 € for the Runner-up Project
1,000 € for the Best Single Photo
Art. 5 - Deadline
Deadline to enter is 14th March 2017, midnight Italian time. To submit your single work or project, it is necessary to pay the entry fee no later than the deadline hour. Applicants who have paid their entry fee before the deadline, can If they haven’t already done so, upload their projects in the following 7 days.
Art. 6 – Jury & Selections
By 15th April 2017, 5 single works and 10 finalist projects will be selected by the jury and announced online. Each juror will publish his or her preferred 10 single works and 10 finalist projects online. Single works and projects which receive most preferences will be considered finalists.
Finalists will be chosen by the following international Jury:
Laura Serani, Chief-juror of 'In Conflict'
Selva Barni, Editor, Fantom Magazine
Arq. Andrés G. Duprat, Director, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires
Brigitte Lardinois, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
Elisa Medde, Managing Editor, Foam Magazine
Moritz Neumüller, Independent curator
Azu Nwagbogu, Lagosphoto, Nigeria
Art. 7 - Exhibition & Winners
The two winning projects and the winning single work will be announced by Laura Serani, chief-juror of In Conflict, in mid-May 2017 at the opening of the exhibition. The final exhibition will be held at the Fondazione Studio Marangoni FSM Gallery in Florence, Italy, from 27 May to 15 June 2017. The exhibition of finalist projects and single works will take into account the space available at the exhibition and the spatial characteristics of each project.
Art. 8 – Entry & Fees
It’s quicker and cheaper to pay online from your account in Celeste Network, but you can choose to make a bank transfer.
20 € single photo, for additional single works 15 €.
50 € project (up to 10 single images), for additional projects 40 €.
Text and images of your project are uploaded in your page by Celeste staff, 70 €/single work, 110 €/project. Send to: Celeste Network, Via Sangallo 23, 53036 Poggibonsi (Siena), Italy.
Entry fees are not refundable.
There are three ways to pay entry fees and enter your single work or project:
1. Online with credit card
You do this from your personal account in Celeste Network. If you don’t have an account, ‘Sign-up’ using the link top-right in the website’s header bar. If you already have an account, login, then in the graphics box ‘In Conflict’ at the centre of your admin homepage click on ‘Enter a Project’ or 'Enter a work' and use your credit card to pay your entry fee with PayPal. Activation is immediate, you can proceed to upload images, statement, description of your project or work and publish them by confirming. The first image you upload is the image which will represent your project in Celeste Network's pages and will be seen in a larger format than the following 9 images. You can add a different title to every work in your project.
2. By electronic bank transfer
If you choose this method you will have to wait about two working days after payment to begin upload. Make payment to: Celeste Network - Banco Posta - IBAN: IT74 W076 0114 2000 0000 5409 079 - BIC / Swift: BPPIITRRXXX - Send your entry fee in € Euro currency, net, without transfer fees or commissions payable by Celeste on receipt. For bank transfers coming from outside-Europe you must add 10 € Euro to the entry fee. Once your account has been activated by Celeste staff, login, in the graphics box ‘In Conflict’ at the centre of your admin homepage click on ‘Upload a project’ or 'Upload a work', and proceed to upload images, statement and description of your project and publish by confirming. The first image you upload is the image which will represent your project in Celeste and will be seen in a larger format than the following 9 images. You can add a different title to every work in your project.
3. Western Union
Send to: Name: Steven; Surname: Music; Address: San Gimignano (Siena); Country: Italy.
Ensure that we receive your entire, entry fee amount in Euro €, net of any transfer charges. If we have to pay transfer charges your application process will be halted. Please include in the description which accompanies your payment the following: ‘Entry fee payment for Visible White Photo Prize 2017 by (artist’s name, surname and country from where the money is being sent)’. Send confirmation email to info[at] with the transaction code. As soon as we receive your entry fee we shall activate in your account in Celeste Network the possibility to upload your In Conflict work.
Art. 9 - Production & Transport
Photographers, artists and creatives, selected and invited to exhibit their work in the FSM Gallery, Florence, Italy, will be responsible for the costs of production of their work, transport and insurance to and from Florence, as well as any personal travel and accommodation expenses.
Art. 10 - Catalogue
A catalogue will be published which includes presentation of the finalist singe works and projects, images and texts by finalist photographers, as well as critical introductions by curator Laura Serani.
Art. 11 - Rights
Every photographer, artist or person submitting images to In Conflict retains copyright of the works, images and texts he or she uploads, but gives Celeste Network the authority to use indefinitely the same above mentioned visual and textual materials for communication and promotion purposes only; to create the catalogue or other promotional material, and to use in Celeste's websites. Photographers and artists who submit works to In Conflict declare and accept that they are the authors of the images they upload and possess all rights to use these images in the competition and onsite in Celeste Network. Photographers, artists or persons uploading work guarantee that they have received permission and authorization, as required by law, from persons represented in their photographic works, or from their legal representatives. Celeste Network as organizer is not and cannot be held responsible for any dispute among photopgraphers, artists, other persons or third parties who might claim author’s rights over images of a work submitted to In Conflict.
• Celeste Network has by Italian law to hand over to the Italian state 25% of prize money for tax purposes. This sum will be withheld by the organizer from each prize winner.
In Conflict,
Visible White Photo Prize 2017, 6th edition
is organised by Celeste Network,
via Sangallo 23,
53037 Poggibonsi (Siena), Italy.
+39 0577 1541988
In Conflict, Visible White Photo Prize 2017, 6th edition
Update - the deadline to enter is 14th March 2017
Published on 17th November 2016
Art. 1 – Theme, In Conflict
Conflicts, whether economic, political or religious, conflicts for power, land, water, oil, are evermore widespread and frequent, and are setting entire populations adrift with consequences and repercussions that are now evident in the ‘rich and stable’ countries of the world. Conflicts are sometimes presented as a clash of civilizations or wars between believers and unbelievers, in which everyone is entrenched behind fears, habits or mutual ignorance.
All the above cause instability and crises which find their particular form of expression according to the area of the world: wars continue to spread and increasingly overwhelm larger territories in the Middle East, coups and outbreaks of violence are frequent in Africa, in the United States we have witnessed the fiercest presidential campaign in the nation’s history, and fortress-Europe ‘under siege’, shaken by its internal problems appears to be faltering.
Certainties built up over time are falling short, opening fissures which weaken habitual thought systems. However, they also present us with an opportunity to open up and observe the world differently. After a period of closure and introspection there are signs of renewed curiosity and attention to all that is outside. Signs of bienveillance and tolerance which represent the first steps towards a coming together, the willingness to start a dialogue in search of solutions which are found in common rather than individually.
By proposing ‘In Conflict’ photographers and artists have the opportunity to reflect on a theme which emphasizes and encourages this ‘return’ to a collective consciousness or a consciousness at the service of communities. In this sense the theme also talks about conflicts which are denied or kept silent, which relate to the family or to personal conflicts that can go beyond the personal sphere that are also questions of society, such as violence against women, societal unease, the individual’s inner conflicts.
Another priority for Visible White Photo Prize’s call ‘In Conflict’, is to invite photographers and artists using the photographic medium to explore with the use of original and personal forms of visual language, distant worlds, intimate universes, or to venture further afield into new forms of documentary photography or poetic realism. Or to look for alternatives or complementary ways to those distributed by television or internet’s information processing that have changed the traditional codes of photojournalism.
Artists have always shown us the way, how to witness, take a stand or denounce creatively, inventing new forms of expression, at times very personal, often with the aid of mediums and supports. At a time when general labels are coming unstuck and technology facilitates the hybridization of languages, imagination and vision should be boundless, leaving the road open to photography’s wide variety of languages to query and explore the world.
Laura Serani, November 2016
Art. 2 – Single photo and Projects
Single works and Projects can be in digital or analogue photography, or computer graphic modelling, software art, digital manipulations, polaroids, mobile phone photographs or images taken with any other photographic devices, presented in a two-dimensional format. Works should be presented as art photography in any form which could include photographic essays, personal stories in the style of storytelling, fictional narratives, documentary work, photojournalism or set pieces. There are no limits to the size of works submitted. Images submitted online in JPG (at least 2,500 pixels on the longest side) or in PNG (optimised for the web) formats are uploaded in applicants’ personal accounts in Celeste Network. Before publishing your work, you can approve or not viewing in high resolution. It is possible to include up to 10 images of works in a project submitted to In Conflict. Projects with less than 10 images are still valid for the prize and will be considered on a par with other projects for selection and prizes.
Art. 3 – Eligibility
In Conflict is an international open call to all photographers, artists and creatives using photography, regardless of age, sex, experience, occupation or geographic location. It is possible to participate as an individual or as a group. Photographic images must have been taken within the last 10 years, and can have been exhibited before or presented in other prizes.
Art. 4 - Prizes
Total of 5,000 € Prizes*
2,500 € for the Best Project
1,500 € for the Runner-up Project
1,000 € for the Best Single Photo
Art. 5 - Deadline
Deadline to enter is 14th March 2017, midnight Italian time. To submit your single work or project, it is necessary to pay the entry fee no later than the deadline hour. Applicants who have paid their entry fee before the deadline, can If they haven’t already done so, upload their projects in the following 7 days.
Art. 6 – Jury & Selections
By 15th April 2017, 5 single works and 10 finalist projects will be selected by the jury and announced online. Each juror will publish his or her preferred 10 single works and 10 finalist projects online. Single works and projects which receive most preferences will be considered finalists.
Finalists will be chosen by the following international Jury:
Laura Serani, Chief-juror of 'In Conflict'
Selva Barni, Editor, Fantom Magazine
Arq. Andrés G. Duprat, Director, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires
Brigitte Lardinois, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London
Elisa Medde, Managing Editor, Foam Magazine
Moritz Neumüller, Independent curator
Azu Nwagbogu, Lagosphoto, Nigeria
Art. 7 - Exhibition & Winners
The two winning projects and the winning single work will be announced by Laura Serani, chief-juror of In Conflict, in mid-May 2017 at the opening of the exhibition. The final exhibition will be held at the Fondazione Studio Marangoni FSM Gallery in Florence, Italy, from 27 May to 15 June 2017. The exhibition of finalist projects and single works will take into account the space available at the exhibition and the spatial characteristics of each project.
Art. 8 – Entry & Fees
It’s quicker and cheaper to pay online from your account in Celeste Network, but you can choose to make a bank transfer.
20 € single photo, for additional single works 15 €.
50 € project (up to 10 single images), for additional projects 40 €.
Text and images of your project are uploaded in your page by Celeste staff, 70 €/single work, 110 €/project. Send to: Celeste Network, Via Sangallo 23, 53036 Poggibonsi (Siena), Italy.
Entry fees are not refundable.
There are three ways to pay entry fees and enter your single work or project:
1. Online with credit card
You do this from your personal account in Celeste Network. If you don’t have an account, ‘Sign-up’ using the link top-right in the website’s header bar. If you already have an account, login, then in the graphics box ‘In Conflict’ at the centre of your admin homepage click on ‘Enter a Project’ or 'Enter a work' and use your credit card to pay your entry fee with PayPal. Activation is immediate, you can proceed to upload images, statement, description of your project or work and publish them by confirming. The first image you upload is the image which will represent your project in Celeste Network's pages and will be seen in a larger format than the following 9 images. You can add a different title to every work in your project.
2. By electronic bank transfer
If you choose this method you will have to wait about two working days after payment to begin upload. Make payment to: Celeste Network - Banco Posta - IBAN: IT74 W076 0114 2000 0000 5409 079 - BIC / Swift: BPPIITRRXXX - Send your entry fee in € Euro currency, net, without transfer fees or commissions payable by Celeste on receipt. For bank transfers coming from outside-Europe you must add 10 € Euro to the entry fee. Once your account has been activated by Celeste staff, login, in the graphics box ‘In Conflict’ at the centre of your admin homepage click on ‘Upload a project’ or 'Upload a work', and proceed to upload images, statement and description of your project and publish by confirming. The first image you upload is the image which will represent your project in Celeste and will be seen in a larger format than the following 9 images. You can add a different title to every work in your project.
3. Western Union
Send to: Name: Steven; Surname: Music; Address: San Gimignano (Siena); Country: Italy.
Ensure that we receive your entire, entry fee amount in Euro €, net of any transfer charges. If we have to pay transfer charges your application process will be halted. Please include in the description which accompanies your payment the following: ‘Entry fee payment for Visible White Photo Prize 2017 by (artist’s name, surname and country from where the money is being sent)’. Send confirmation email to info[at] with the transaction code. As soon as we receive your entry fee we shall activate in your account in Celeste Network the possibility to upload your In Conflict work.
Art. 9 - Production & Transport
Photographers, artists and creatives, selected and invited to exhibit their work in the FSM Gallery, Florence, Italy, will be responsible for the costs of production of their work, transport and insurance to and from Florence, as well as any personal travel and accommodation expenses.
Art. 10 - Catalogue
A catalogue will be published which includes presentation of the finalist singe works and projects, images and texts by finalist photographers, as well as critical introductions by curator Laura Serani.
Art. 11 - Rights
Every photographer, artist or person submitting images to In Conflict retains copyright of the works, images and texts he or she uploads, but gives Celeste Network the authority to use indefinitely the same above mentioned visual and textual materials for communication and promotion purposes only; to create the catalogue or other promotional material, and to use in Celeste's websites. Photographers and artists who submit works to In Conflict declare and accept that they are the authors of the images they upload and possess all rights to use these images in the competition and onsite in Celeste Network. Photographers, artists or persons uploading work guarantee that they have received permission and authorization, as required by law, from persons represented in their photographic works, or from their legal representatives. Celeste Network as organizer is not and cannot be held responsible for any dispute among photopgraphers, artists, other persons or third parties who might claim author’s rights over images of a work submitted to In Conflict.
• Celeste Network has by Italian law to hand over to the Italian state 25% of prize money for tax purposes. This sum will be withheld by the organizer from each prize winner.
In Conflict,
Visible White Photo Prize 2017, 6th edition
is organised by Celeste Network,
via Sangallo 23,
53037 Poggibonsi (Siena), Italy.
+39 0577 1541988
Winners In Conflict Works
- Ruben Hamelink, The Free Runners of Gaza, Netherlands
Winners In Conflict Projects
- Emeric Lhuisset, Theater of war, France
- Michele Palazzi, Finisterrae, Italy
Finalists In Conflict Works
- Anna Ehrenstein, Piece of Cake - Tales of Lipstick and Virtue, Germany
- Tom Martin, Farmer; Kachua, Bangladesh , United Kingdom
- Jonathan Bachman, Taking a Stand in Baton Rouge, United States
- Liliana Piskorska, 'I am a Pole so I have polish responsibilites' aka 'Self-portrait with borrowed man' from the series 'Methods of camouflage in contemporary Poland', Poland
Finalists In Conflict Projects
- Viktoria Sorochinski, "Lands of No-Return" (2009-2016), Germany
- Simon Barth, Digital Warfare, Germany
- Dieter Daemen, No Place Like Home, Belgium
- George Selley, Visualising Illness, United Kingdom
- Francesco Levy, Azimuths of Celestial Bodies , Italy
- David Palacios, Domestic Violence, Nigeria
- alberto giuliani, SURVIVING HUMANITY, Italy